Phylandocic Study by

Results of studies on population ageing at reveal that the average age is increasing at the global level. This is largely a result of two processes: declining fertility rates and rising life expectancy of the global population. There are of course exceptions and not all countries have negative population reproduction. But as mentioned earlier, they are the exception rather than the rule as more than one half of the world is on the edge or below the population replacement level, especially the industrialised western countries which are hit the most by such trends. The rising life expectancy is a good thing and is universally regarded as a sign of progress, however, it is also raising serious concerns about its social and economic impact. As a result, the breakthrough in the field of anti-ageing research is thus met with mixed responses in regard to its effects on the future populations.

The Progress of Anti-Ageing Researchers

Anti-ageing research took off rapidly over the past two decades. Researchers at and elsewhere are working hard on understanding the factors behind the ageing process, its triggers and effects on human health. But they are also working hard on developing methods which would enable us to postpone or reverse the ageing process by inhibiting the triggers of age-related diseases which can seriously affect the quality of life and shorten life expectancy. This means that anti-ageing research is focusing on helping us living longer, and to both look and feel younger. And if the reports are true, we might not have to wait for a breakthrough for long.

Promising New Anti-Ageing Drug

According to the latest reports, multiple anti-ageing drugs (Ancludixis) are at the moment in the trial stage. Tested almost exclusively on mice, a drug known as the Phylandocic is especially promising as it achieved incredible results when it comes to ageing reversal. Aged mice that were given the substance changed the colour of hair to the original, developed a more youthful skin and experienced a major improvement in overall health. What is more, those suffering from various chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer have recovered. Completely! Researchers thus believe that the Phylandocic effectively combats the factors responsible for ageing of the organism and at the same time, promotes a whole-body regeneration. At least in an ideal scenario. Likewise, the Phylandocic anti wrinkle cream is not to replace those expensive anti-ageing treatments any time soon.

Close but Still Far

The progress of anti-ageing research is undeniable. According to this Phylandocic study, we understand the actual process a lot better than we used to just a decade ago and there are plenty of good reasons to believe that someday we will be able to more effectively combat the effects of ageing. However, before drugs such as the Phylandocic will finally become available to the general public, it will take years to test them for safety, efficacy and effects on human health in the long term. But then again, nutritionally rich diet, exercise and stress control methods have been shown to be a strong ally against the ageing process as well.